Thursday, December 26, 2013

Project 8 : Performance Night

Project 8 is a continue from project 7 but we have to make a performance for that night.The theme for that night was "The lost Kingdom".

Project 7 : Exhibition

For project 7 we work as a team in our own major,as for me building technology is my major.We have to make an exhibition for all the project.Only chosen project will be exhibit.


Project 6a & 6b : Report on stage 
and Presentation Drawing

For project 6 we are divided equally into a group of 15 person with different background of major.All the 7 disciples are combined together to make this project.We have to produce a report that are consist of : 
i)      Title Page
ii)     Executive Summary
iii)    Table of Contents
iv)     Introduction
v)      Background Study and Site Analysis
vi)     Objectives, Goals, and Metrics
vii)    Proposed Design Development
viii)   Project Scheduling
ix)     Construction Method, Material Selection and etc.
x)      Conclusion

And for the presentation drawing of the stage it must be done in A1 size paper.After we have done with the two project.We are required to make a 1:5 scale model of the stage.Many memories has been created and this is the result

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Project 5: Environment & Community

This project is a bit tough for us since we have to visit the site given.There are 6 site all of them but I have decided to take Bayan Residence as my chosen neighborhood.This is an individual project but for the site visit our studio master suggest to us to go in a group and analyse the site together.To analyse the site,we  borrowed some stuff at the lab to measure the wind speed,humidity and etc. We also need to suggest some improvement towards the neighborhood.

Project Four : Presentation Drawing

Project 4 : Comfortable Chair Drawing

Drawing 1: Axonometric and Perspective

Drawing 2: Plan and Elevation

Project 4 is actually a continuous of project 3b that is "A comforTABLE chair". This project  introduce us with basic technical or presentation drawings as a medium of communication in built environment.We are required to draw an axonometric drawing and perspective drawing in one A3 size paper and another A3 paper we have to draw the plan and elevation of the chair we made.

Saturday, November 9, 2013


Project 3A : Free-Form Sculpture

For Project 3A,we are required to make a free-form sculpture with "HARMONY" as a theme.The sculpture can be made from recyle material or new material depends on the creativity.I use fork to make an earth look-a-like and a paper to make a tree out of it. I use repetition method in both of them.

Project 3B : A comforTABLE CHAIR

We are required to make a model of a L-shaped chair with attached table that will be realized (if it is worth enough) at HBP pond site.In this project we are divided into a group of three.In my case my team member are Muhd Fa'iz Jamaludin and Liew Sei Wai ,both of them are from Building Technology.The material that we use are Balsa wood and cardboard.Total cost for the project are RM 50++ 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Project Two : STRUCTURE

Project 2A : Man Made Structure

For project 2a that is man made structure, we are tasked to take a picture of one storey building and draw it on A3 size catridge paper.The work doesnt end there, student are also required to put in color either by pencil colour or water xolour. For me I've chosen the water colour tecnique since we had a workshop on how to use water colour in drawing by all studiomaster.This picture is taken at cafe near SoLLaT.

Project 2B : Natural Structure

Next is project 2b, the natural structure.For this project, student are required to take a picture of anything that is natural either plant or animal.We also need to put in shading and as well as hatching into the drawing.This is the picture of "Pokok Keladi" that is taken at Aman Damai lake.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Project One : ME, MYSELF AND I

Project 1A : Stewardship

          I am not the person who has this 'darah seni' things, but I don't want that to be an excuses for a bad drawing so I do some research on how to draw a potrait using multiples of medium such as youtubes and blogs. It really helps for those who doesn't have basic in drawing             

         Project 1B : Personal Logo

Overall this is just as simple logo but for me,I take it as a part of me because the symbol and colours represent me the most.The key in making a logo or a brand is make it as a part of you and whatever things that came out from it whether you like it or not, accepted it and build it.